Friday, 17 February 2012

More Inspiration - Copy Shop

A while back, I was watching one of the Cinema16 collections when I came across a quirky short called Copy Shop, by Virgil Widrich. The film is experimental, using visual effects throughout to sell the idea of multiple copies of the same character on screen. In Likeness, we have attempted to duplicate this technique in a small way, in order to convey the idea of the mass-produceable nature of photographic images. In this way, our core themes resemble in some ways those of Copy Shop.

The film focusses strongly on repetition of the same day, similarly to the way in which time repeats itself in Maya Deren's Meshes of the Afternoon. From both this film and Deren's films, I was inspired to include in the story a sense of manipulated time, so that the narrative we have chosen is somewhat circular.
While our own attempt at the Copy Shop effects are drastically smaller in scale, I feel that it effectively conveys the meaning we were hoping for.

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